September 14, 2022
This is the third program in the “Meet the Collectors” series. Five collectors who lent objects to the Sheldon’s exhibit Addison County Collects will talk about their collection.
Bruce Yelton will share information about the East Middlebury Iron Works, which was built in 1831, and the iron slag he lent to the Sheldon’s exhibit. Sas Carey, whose mission in life is to support and preserve traditional Mongolian nomadic life, will share some of her rich stories and show some of the Mongolian clothing she has collected over the years (detail pictured above). A collector of sticks and stones, Diana Bigelow takes her collection one step further by creating whimsical figures from the natural materials, and the ballet dancer on display is one of many figures she has made over the last few years. Sarah S. Fox will share her ongoing hunt for Blue Heaven china produced n the 1950s/60s in Ohio. Her collection spans decorative plates and glassware including the 1965 calendar “glamour plate” featured in the exhibit.
The talks will take place in the Sheldon Museum barn located in the Museum’s garden, and are free and open to the public. Seating is limited; first come, first served. Bring a brown bag lunch if you’d like.