How to Research Stewart-Swift Research Center Collections
The Stewart-Swift Research Center archival collection can be searched in several different ways. Access to the majority of these materials is available through the Center’s online catalog and detailed online guides to specific portions of the collection (see below). In addition, there are unpublished inventories, lists, card catalogs, and finding aids available for examination at the Research Center and by contacting the staff.
Provides access to a large portion of manuscripts, books, pamphlets, scrapbooks, and selected music scores, maps, photographs and artwork.
Many of our Archival Collections have finding aids that provide further information about each collection.
Search the Stewart-Swift Research Center Catalog
Search the Finding Aids
Index of Persons in Visual Collections: Index to names of people represented in the Research Center collection of photographs and artwork includes personal names, gender, dates, format and item location. Some individuals that may be part of individual photographic collections and manuscript collections may not be represented here.
Persons in Visual Collections
Genealogical Resources
Genealogical Resources: Compilation of Research Center on-site and online resources including cemetery listings, contact information for local offices and repositories, and onsite lists of resources. The Research Center online catalog serves as an additional research tool to locate family histories.
Provides a folder-level overview of the ephemera collection by main subject categories (ie: Agriculture, Business Advertising, Medicine) that are divided into sub-categories (ie: Agriculture – Diary), and approximate number of items, represented formats (almanac, trade card, catalog, etc.), date range, geographical place, and item location. Coming soon!
Ephemera Collection
Postcard Finding Aid: Two photographic postcards collections (General and Hagar Family Collection). Both are organized according to subject and geographical location.
Photographic Postcard Collection
The item-level index is organized by geographical location beginning with Addison County, Vermont, and ending with world maps. Within each section the maps are organized by date, and each entry includes map name, creator/publisher, number of sheets and item location. Coming soon!
Map Collection
Index to Research Papers & Presentations: Index to over 300 unpublished research papers and presentations based on Research Center archival collections is organized into broad subject categories such as Agriculture, Art & Architecture, Education, Women, etc. The papers are available for examination at the Research Center during public open hours.
Research Papers & Presentations
Local Newspaper Index: The searchable database provides information about Research Center holdings of local newspapers and individual issues from 1801 forward.
Library of Congress’s Chronicling America Historic American Newspapers project: For digital access to the content of selected newspapers search the Chronicling America. Historic American Newspapers project.
Local Newspapers
Index to Addison County Town Reports: A listing of Research Center holdings of Addison County Town Reports is organized by town and date.