Museum founder Henry Sheldon and . . . a Ghost???!!
Join us for the Henry Sheldon Museum’s annual Spooky Night at the Museum, an evening of pre-Halloween entertainment featuring Tarot card readings with Middlebury College students Natalia and Salome, group psychic readings with Sas Carey, a murder scene dollhouse, and live spooky music by Heimo Wallner, trumpet, Louis Klein, guitar, and Kexin Tang, gu zheng. Take a selfie with one of the spirit photographs from the Museum’s collection acquired by Solomon Wright Jewett (1808-94), a successful merino sheep farmer and avid spiritualist collector.
Be scared by ghost stories told by members of the community. If you’d like to share your ghost story (up to 5 minutes), email us at and you’ll be added to the program!
Free and open to the public. Costumes optional, but welcome.
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