Recorded Talks: Stewart-Swift Research Center
Programs by and relating to SSRC archival collections
“Artists in the Archives: Women in the Archives,” panel discussion by Alexa Frangos, Elaine Luther, xtine, Vicki Scheele, Nancy Bernardo, Bernadette Birzer, and Dr. Ellery Foutch (12/14/22).
“Artists in the Archives: Collage and Place as Archive,” a round-table discussion featuring S. Erin Batiste, Aisha Shillingford, Jennifer Evans, and Aimee Henny Brown. Hosted by Ric Kasini Kadour (1/11/23).
“Artists in the Archives: Absence in the Archives,” panel discussion by Carmen Lizardo, Ginger Sedlarova, Eva Garcelon-Hart, Taylor Rossini, and Jillian Hartke (11/9/22).
“Artists in the Archives: Community, History & Collage,” a panel discussion by Ric Kasini Kadour, Eva Garcelon-Hart, Christopher Kurts, Jeanna Penn, and Taylor Rossini (10/20/22).
Elephant in the Room: “Curating as Praxis: Shattering the Myth of Neutrality” by La Tanya Autry (5/4/22)
Elephant in the Room: “21st Century Public Squares: When Art Meets History” by Ric Kasini Kadour (4/13/22)
Elephant in the Room: “Sex and Gender in the Archives” by Rachel Hope Cleves (3/9/22)
Elephant in the Room: “Old Maps, New Pathways: Cartography, Museum Collections, and Decolonial Possibilities” by Christine DeLucia (2/9/22)
Elephant in the Room: “Picturing Difference: Photography, Race, and Democracy in the 19th Century” by Michelle Smiley (1/12/22)
Elephant in the Room: “Making History with Mrs. M—-—’s Cabinet: Imagining a Feminist Period Room” by Sarah Anne Carter (12/8/21)
Elephant in the Room: “Aesthetic Addictions: Psychological Perspectives on Collecting from Rudolph II to Charles Foster Kane” by Graham C. Boettcher (11/10/21)
Elephant in the Room: “Living with Death: How Artists, Historians, and Museums Create Meaning in a Time of Loss” by Dario Robleto and Ellery Foutch (10/6/21)
Charles River Museum: “Innovation and Connections: the story of Isaac Markham and his machine drawings” by Polly Darnell (6/16/21)
Conjuring the Dead: “By Seen And Unseen Hands - Spirit Artists And Their Art In The 21st Century” by Stephen Weymeyer (11/14/19)
Conjuring the Dead: “The Hutchinson Family Singers: Huzzas, Horrors, and Bumps in the Night” by Dale Cocrell (11/7/19)
Conjuring the Dead: “Sinners, Prophets and Seers” by Bill Hart (10/10/19)